We believe that the best retirement plans are created when advisors always keep the best interests of the client in mind. At Investment Professionals, this comes in the form of using top-ranked funds, acting in a fiduciary capacity, utilizing a unique fees format, and personalizing educational sessions for every single participant in a plan. Read on for more details about how our pillars lead to successful retirement plans.
top-Ranked Morningstar funds
Funds are at the heart of 401k plans. Our clients have access to funds with superior historic returns, combined with the lowest fees that make for the right plan for your company.
investment advisors as fiduciaries
We understand how important it is to you to manage your 401k plan correctly. Just like plan sponsors, we take on fiduciary responsability for your plan, because serving in your best interests is in ours.
at or below benchmark fees
With our unique fee format, in addition to having access to institutional share-class funds, we are confident that we can offer you lower fees, ultimately saving you money.
personalized education
When it comes to financial wellness, it's important to use a holistic approach. That's why our advisors sit down with every participant and educate them one-on-one to create a unique plan that meets their personal financial goals- not just their retirement goals.