Unlock Your Hidden 401k Fees
Ever wondered how your 401k service fees are determined? Where exactly does your money go?
Our fee structure is unique. Let us show you the difference.
This chart shows data from the last ten plans we analyzed through October 2017. In every case, existing "All-In" fees were higher than ours, sometimes by more than 2x.
Record- keeping fees
We are changing the way this has always been done. Fees are often hidden. Let us show you where they are and how we can lower these fees.
plan administrator fees
Are you aware of the hidden fees associated with Third Party Administrators? How much is your plan administrator getting paid and how does it factor into your plan fees?
Fund fees
Some funds offer lower expense ratios based on the size of the plan. For companies that work with us, we are able to offer many institutional share class funds that offer lower fees, regardless of plan size. Let us show you the difference.